Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Rhetorical Analysis Of John F. Kennedy s Speech - 1405 Words

Leighton Hainline Jessica Madinger Composition 1 26 October 2015 We Choose to go to the Moon Rhetorical Analysis There are many things that a speech must contain to make it a well written and spoken speech. John F. Kennedy s speech he gave on September 12th 1962, titled â€Å"Address at Rice University on the Nation s Space Efforts†, better known as â€Å"We Choose to go to the Moon† contains many of the important factors of a successful speech. Kennedy used rhetorical strategies and skills to help him influence the American people to help accomplish the major goal of reaching the moon. Kennedy did not only want to reach the moon, but he wanted to be the first country to do so. President Kennedy effectively told the objective he found important by using ethos, pathos and kairos throughout his speech to help get the support of the people. By using these three rhetorical strategies Kennedy gave a moving speech. The main purpose of John F. Kennedy s speech â€Å"We Choose to go to the Moon† was to gain the support of the American people. He did this by pointing out why it was important to be the first ones to reach the moon with a man. Kennedy addresses many things that the United States has quickly and efficiently succeeded at, he then goes on to compare these successes to getting a man on the moon. The president also brings up how they are very close to obtaining the goal and that they just need the funding to make it happen. He continues on to make a powerful comparison between howShow MoreRelatedThe Inaugural Address Of John F. Kennedy1441 Words   |  6 PagesAddress of John F. Kennedy is considered one of the greatest speeches in twentieth-century American public address,† says Sara Ann Mehltretter from Penn State University. The 1960s was an important time period during American history. The speech was said to motivate Americans and unite them to successfully create a powerful government. 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